The Shoebox
It’s hard to believe the holidays are almost upon us. During this time of the year one of the most popular fundraisers around the world now holds a special place in our hearts. Most people have heard of this fundraiser, if not donated towards it as well. The organization, Samaritan’s Purse has given 113 million Operation Christmas Child Shoebox gifts since 1993. Currently in our children’s classroom and at church it is time to fill and send “The Shoebox.” After talking about it for a few minutes my son said, “I remember when I got my shoebox.” Then, it was not long until my daughter quickly added, “Me too, I remember.” I stopped in pure astonishment to listen as they talked about a man who came to the orphanage to deliver all the shoeboxes to the children. Now, two years later, my children sit with me in the car as we drive home from school, reminiscing of receiving that shoebox. What a thought, what an amazing story and what a blessing. As they talked, their voices filled with excitement at what they wanted to send in their shoebox to other children . . . fully aware of how that child feels . . . putting themselves back in the shoes they wore not so long ago. What an amazing blessing and life changing experience for our children. They know what it is like to have nothing and now to have everything. They have been blessed with a different perspective than your average child and they truly want to see other children receive what they have been given. It’s so hard to put into words the feelings I had when my son said, “I remember when I got my shoebox,” however it is an unforgettable reminder to us that our giving must never stop. For it is the smallest things in life that bring the greatest hope and joy to others. So as we fill our shoeboxes this season let us not forget to think of and pray for the millions of children around the world who deserve a chance to Fill a shoebox.