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This past December 2021, our Annual Winter Coat Drive was a big success and we owe it all to God’s faithfulness. This was our 6th year we were privileged to . . .
With our monthly donations Reach Orphans Worldwide was able to give $1545 to the ministry of . . .
Thank you. We are honored by your generosity over the years. Through your gifts and God’s faithfulness, we have been able to give over . . .
Thank you! 1,645 times over. Because of your generosity over the Christmas season, our education . . .
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We cannot say it enough! Through your generosity, you were able to sponsor over . . .
A big thank you to everyone who prayed and gave to our Sandals For Spring campaign!!! With your . . .
We Raised $1000 for our Share the Love Fund which goes to support the education needs of children in . . .
We would like to thank each one of you who gave lightly used and new coats this holiday . . .
This year we dove head first into championing Reach Orphans Worldwide. You've responded . . .
We would like to thank everyone who donated of their time and money to make our . . .
The founders, Kevin and Melissa Hansen lives changed forever due to building their family through adoption. They quickly . . .
Our first Women's Getaway for the Day was a huge success! Thank you to all the women who came out and . . .
That's right! You guessed it! With your generous support, we were able to complete the Human Race on Saturday May 13th and . . .
For most of us living in America we have been blessed with many things, endless possessions and modern conveniences that make life enjoyable and . . .
During two previous summers we were able to participate in an orphan hosting program . . .
Our adoption journey dramatically shifted our worldview. We no longer knew there . . .
We want to thank everyone who was a part of our winter coat drive this December 2016! Your participation was . . .
We all experience the same fear and insecurities when deciding to step out and do something in faith . . .
As we look around during this holiday season we are greatly encouraged in all the giving hearts, helping hands . . .
Successful change starts here. This small village in El Salvador is supported through weekly church gatherings where children . . .
We had a chance to visit this precious boy at his orphanage. His smile never stopped and that moment . . .
We were privileged to meet this little girl. Even more so, we were able to help facilitate . . .
There is simply not enough resources to change a child's future on our own. That is where you come in . . .
At the root of everything we do is communicating value to children around the world. That is what drives us, that is our goal . . .
During our trips to different countries we have gotten the opportunity to spend time with many children. It is these interactions . . .
With so many responsibilities, checklists, pressures and deadlines, this thing called “life” often gets us off track from what God has in store for us.
Our trip to El Salvador was an unforgettable experience. Even though it was a few years ago, it seems like just yesterday we were standing in a schoolhouse...
It’s hard to believe the holidays are almost upon us. During this time of the year one of the most popular fundraisers around the world now holds a special place in our hearts.
Children are remarkable. The longer one is around them it becomes obvious that unknowingly they teach life’s biggest lessons.
Whatever you are facing today we encourage you to take a chance and choose the adventure route. In the end God will provide all your needs, at just the right time . . .
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Through our monthly donations Reach Orphans Worldwide was able to give $1545 to Camp LELA! God is using you…
God’s faithfulness is greatly shown through you. This past year ROW gave . . .