Four Steps To Eliminating Fear

We all experience the same fear and insecurities when deciding to step out and do something in faith. "I could never do that!" "How would I afford that?" "What would people think?" "How would I explain myself?" These are all valid questions. However, the solution is not letting these questions turn into a fear that directs our choices in life. When we decided to start our family through adoption in 2012, millions of questions flooded our minds. Some scary and others exciting. A few years later, when we decided to start an international nonprofit organization the stress was incredibly overwhelming. Yet despite the challenges, we took one day at a time, trusted our Heavenly Father and held our breath as we stepped out into the unknown. You see everything was scary if we thought about it for too long, that is . . .  thought about it without God at the center of it. However, when we remained focused on Him, on His plans, we were able to leave the hard stuff to Him knowing we could not control all the details. The four steps below gave us a strong foundation to look fear in the face and say, "Well, why not?"   

We Are Human. One of the most important concepts is understanding that we are human. Trying anything new for the first time can be daunting. A new child, a missions trip, monthly giving, advocating in social arenas . . . No matter what it is, leave perfection at the door and realize we are human. We make mistakes, life is messy, but that is the beauty of living. The point is that we must try, work and strive until one day it all comes together for God's glory and His ultimate plan. Realizing we are all human, we all have the same emotions and the same struggles, alleviates the fear of failure.

It Takes Time To See Results. Additionally, as with any new change or challenge it's important to realize that it takes time to see results. One of the exciting perks of doing something new or different is knowing that you will see results. However, focusing on the end result can often times be discouraging if the process takes longer than expected. So instead, stop, look around you and ask yourself, "What is God doing here? How have I changed, grown?" The answers will surprise you and cause you to continue striving . . . eliminating fear.

Enjoy The Journey. Therefore, it is vital that we decide to enjoy the journey. Too often we do not take the time to look around and realize what God is doing through us, in us and around us. By taking a step back we will have less fear of failure and more present enjoyment. It's been said a million times but, life really is too short. Live by that statement, understand it and picture it. A person who enjoys the journey truly understands that life is too short. 

Place All Faith In God. Most importantly, the only way to eliminate fear all together is by placing all our faith in God who loves each one of us. By realizing He is ultimately in control, we are more willing to take a step of faith knowing that He will guide us and provide for us when the time is right. It is not up to us to make something successful, rather, it is His divine intervention that causes His plan to come into fruition. Trust Him with your time, with your children, with your giving, with your decisions, with your prayers and with your finances, and He will prove Himself faithful, time after time. 

Eliminating fear of trying something new starts with realizing we are human, understanding it takes time to see results, enjoying the journey and ultimately placing all our faith in God for success. Today we challenge you to step out in faith. Be a mentor to a foster child, be an advocate for children around the world, be a financial blessing to an orphan or be a prayer warrior for children without a home. But most importantly, be BRAVE and eliminate fear. After all, our Heavenly Father is the one who made us, who formed us and who placed certain dreams in our hearts. He will move mountains when we are willing to step out of the way and let Him.