This Fall we're partnering with the Heritage Ukraine Foundation in Ukraine as they expand their facilities. This organization has a deeply personal connection for us and we can't wait to strengthen our partnership with them. We are helping raise money to expand their day center facilities through a basement renovation.
How does this relate to orphan prevention? It's simple. In Ukraine, if a child is born with disabilities they aren't allowed to go to school. That's right, as soon as a child is diagnosed with disabilities their parents assume full care-taking rights of the child. This often causes financial stress and strain in a home. Once a parent can no longer afford to take care of their child, they have the heart-breaking decision to take their child to an orphanage, hoping that better care and resources will be provided. However, this is often not the case. Disabled children are usually at risk for ending up in adult institutions where there is little hope of ever being adopted. By partnering with the Heritage Ukraine Foundation, we will help parents keep their children at home, provide an expanded day center and ultimately prevent one more child from entering the orphanage system. Will you join us?